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Results Driven Community Engagement

Kent Waugh

What’s an email address worth?

Community Engagement begins only when residents and stakeholders become aware of and interested in community-based programs, activities and/or decision-making.

A key distinction between websites, e-newsletters and social media is that websites are, by nature, 'passive' channels for communications. On the flip side, both e-newsletters and social media are considered 'proactive' methods to get the word out.

Social media has generated quite a bit of ‘buzz’ however, the fact is only 59% of Canadians use Facebook and 25% use Twitter. By comparison, 99% of the Canadian population uses email. Yes, users vary by age and interest.

We work with governments to maximize community awareness, engagement and satisfaction. When helping with outbound communications we begin with a foundational question. “What information will be delivered, and how time-sensitive is its delivery (same-day with ongoing updates)?” The clear answer is email, or as we refer to it, e-communications.

Effective Community Engagement using e-communications goes far beyond sending text-based press releases to an email list. A well-designed and managed e-communications program delivers measurable results with substantial benefits to residents and municipalities alike.

We believe that with e-communications it is just as important to ‘give’ as it is to ‘receive’.

Before asking residents to provide feedback, check out a facility, or attend an open house it is vital to provide them with value first. For example if your community is planning to announce the opening of a new recreational fitness facility, send your residents some helpful information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle prior to your announcement. Doing so primes residents to be more receptive and engaged.

Call us today to discuss what ‘an email address is worth’ to your municipality. We can provide easy to apply recommendations all the way through to delivering a best-in-class CASL and FOIPPA compliant e-communications program for your municipality.

DIAGRAM: The top of the following diagram shows many of the common elements of e-communications programs. The bottom of the diagram is further detailed in the post entitled 'Resident Research & Feedback that Supports Community Engagement'.


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